Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where is Your Tattoo?

So I finally got my tattoo finished today.  It is a tribal background with two Peonies and a Koi fish in color.  I found out I was preggo when Lil E. finished coloring the flowers so I just now got a chance to finish the fish. 

Larry, the shop manager, was more than happy to see me (it seemed) since I apparently am one of the 3 black females in the surrounding area with a half-sleeve.  I made the appt for the next day. 

(wait I digress, my dog is choking on something.....)

Ok, the dog is good.  So I come in, today.  And I cannot help but to admire the atmosphere.  Everyone is friendly and accepting.  People are scared, excited, anxious, impatient, young, old.  And me, well I will be honest;  I stopped at the liquor store and got one of those $1 shots just to calm my nerves.  I'm guessing it is my age finally getting to me.  (yes, baby I cheated)

As Larry is cheerfully stabbing me repeatedly with needles that he says are "the best", I look at my arm in curiosity.  I have had my half-sleeve for a year and a half now.  And do I regret it????....

I can count on one hand when I wished I could have reconsidered:

When my arm comes from "hibernation" in the Spring.  I forget it is there and it attracts a lot of attention that I am not used to the 1st couple of weeks.

When I meet someone for the 1st time and they see it.  I have to speak "extra" smart and professional to assure them I am "educated" and not violent (nevermind me being 5'1" 110).

When at my sisters graduation party and people did not know that the "tattooed chick" fixing plates was indeed the Preachers Daughter. 

But yet, I sit in awe of my left arm.  The hand that I write with.  The arm I choose to carry my son's car seat because it is the strongest.  The arm I am a little more inclined to pull up my sleeve because it shows my love, my art, my passion, the representation of the happy marriage (Peony) and swimming though an ocean of suffering without fear (Koi). 

I am not ashamed of my decision.  I love my art.  I love my constant reminder of the GREAT THINGS in my life.  People have different ways of reminding themselves of where they have been and where they are going.  I chose left, now-colorful arm...

What is your reminder to be your best in life?  What makes you want dig a little deeper, and swim a little harder?  Where is your tattoo.......

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